SEVA is a leading organization working as a developmental facilitator in different parts to build the capacity of communities to manage their process of sustainable development. It works as a catalyst in improving access to entitlements and to exercise human rights. SEVA has designed its line of action to work in large areas while maintaining the beauty of small things. During its journey from its inception to till now it has managed to evolve as a secular, non-partisan, and democratically humanitarian organization for the holistic development for the marginalized section of society like rural, urban slum dwellers and indigenous community. It encourages the communities to build their institution and actively participate in programmed implementation.
SEVA group affirms that an effective growth policy of the nation must address the fulfillment of basic needs of the common people, especially living in the rural and slum areas. In complete alignment with this mission, our approach has been embedded in our activities processes. The interventions are based on the exact need profile of the target community and are being operated in a project mode with the objective of improving the 'Quality of Life' of the community on a sustainable basis. We have always endeavored to make a positive contribution to the lives of the underprivileged and vulnerable communities. We are by supporting wide range of sustainable welfare projects encompassing community infrastructure, skill and mass education, micro enterprises in farm and nonfarm sectors as well as preventive and curative measures in community health and HIV control. We have strategically ensured community participation in planning and execution of developmental initiatives in order to create ownership and accountability among the community. We have worked towards strengthening community institutions by forging strong partnerships with the community and government bodies so that replicable development models of self sustainability could emerge. This year the focus has been farm sector livelihood through innovative models and sustainable infrastructure. Collaboration with NABARD for watershed development has graduated from capacity building phase to full implementation phase A major thrust of our initiatives at our areal lies in enhancing community health. Malaria and Dengue prevention measures Barbill is a very high risk area for vector borne diseases. Dengue/malaria prevention drive was carried out in around 14wards, covering 3000 households. This included indoor-outdoor residual spraying, fogging and awareness generation through door-to-door visit. Blood donation camps in collaboration with district Red Cross Society Scarcity of blood during emergency situation is a predominant challenge in our society. We have been addressing this concern in voluntary blood donation campaigns in collaboration with district blood bank.
We primarily aim to:
With the impending CSR mandate under the Companies Act 2013 gaining ground, the corporate sector has become an indispensable link in the process of social development. But much before the Act, SEVA group had recognized an ally in the corporate sector and had been aligning its development goals with their social responsibility. With multiple modes of partnership like, child support, youth support, patient support etc., SEVA helps them realize and fulfill their CSR. Rather than just channelize the resources from the corporate sector, efforts are made to directly involve them in the initiatives at the grassroots. There are few corporate Like Rungta, Arya Steel, Sarda Mines etc has extended their support time to time to live our voluntary service.
Forests are essential for life on earth. It plays a crucial role in human habitat. A large number of populations depend on forests for their livelihoods. Beside livelihoods it protects our watersheds. It also play a critical role in mitigating climate change because they act as a carbon sink—soaking up carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that would otherwise be free in the atmosphere and contribute to ongoing changes in climate patterns. SEVA undertook energy plantation, forest plantation, promotion of Vana Samrakshana Samiti and village plantation in various parts of the town and periphery. SEVA and some like minded people of Barbil has promoted a massive campaign to ban the use of plastic bag in the city. An innovative plan is being implemented by the group by clubbing women in different community to prepare bag (Thunga) from used news papers, These bags are supplied in to the market place to substitute the polythene bags
With 42% of our population in the young adults group, we are a nation of youth. Organizing this abundant source of energy to add value to the development of communities, is a priority. The youth clubs formed in each of the village act as a bridge between community expectations and facilitate the process of creating happy communities. Sports is a way of life, indoor and outdoor activities are encouraged., organizing tournaments and supporting talents that strive to excel in national / international arena. Preservation of traditional practices is operationalized through direct participation and assistance rendered to groups engaged in organizing cultural events.
SEVA has organized awareness campaigns in slums of Barbil and in various slum areas. It has complemented the Government efforts in "Swachh Bharat Mission" by raising awareness among the communities and motivating them in making their villages/towns clean, tidy and open defecation free.
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